Most recently, last Friday night, dozens of vehicles on the westside were had their tires slashed and were scribed with swastikas. While vehicle vandalism is neither here nor there (and, properly, targeted, can be an exciting addition to the social war), this action is just another reminder of the neo-fascist presence in Santa Cruz.
A year or so ago, a website entitled Anti-Fascist 831 popped up, attempting to document past and present fascist and anti-fascist activity. While it is obviously important to spread information about fascist or racist activity amongst Anti-Racists, Anti-Fascists, and anarchists, there is also a need for active resistance.

- Spray paint over racist or fascist graffiti
- Gather and share information about fascists and fascist activity
- Disrupt and confront public gatherings of racists and fascists
- Don't allow racist crews in music scenes and the like
- Find ways to (more) safely kick the living shit out of them
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